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Studio Owners/Sponsors
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Studio Owners/Sponsors
Emerald (Recreational)- For those that are new to competitions and are still working on basic technique.
Dance - single pirouettes, chainé turns, step ball changes, basic grande jetés.
Twirling and Auxiliaries- fundamentals, basic throws, beginning finger twirls, rolls, and thumb flips.
Gymnastics: basic tumbling, front and back rolls, cartwheels, not able to do a backbend kick over or front limber.
Ruby (Intermediate)- For those that have been in competitions for a few years and have begun advancing their skills.
Dance - double pirouettes, combinations of chainé turns and piqué turns, more advanced leaps.
Twirling and Auxiliaries- mastered fundamentals, thumb flips/tosses, finger twirls, rolls, and working on thumb flip one & two turns.
Gymnastics: mastered backbend kick overs, front limbers, round-offs, working on or not yet consistent aerials, working on or can perform a back handspring.
Diamond (Advanced)- For those that have been in competitions for several years.
Dance- triple pirouettes, fouettés, combinations of turns and leaps, leg extensions, flexibility.
Twirling and Auxiliaries: advanced fundamentals, three turns and higher, throw/toss illusion, more complex connections, and mastered 2 and 3 batons.
Gymnastics: round-off back handsprings, connecting tricks, aerials, back-tucks, flexibility